Who is Your Veteran?

Nearly all of us have a veteran in our family or circle of friends – we all know someone. Through flags or poppies, flowers or photographs – how many veterans will you be honoring this week?
At XTAR, we focus strongly on the Mbps and MHz needed for successful satellite communications. And those numbers are important. But we also never lose sight of our end user – the serviceman or woman in the field. This person is not our buyer, and we will probably never meet them, but their job and often their lives depend upon reliable communications.
To that end, we’ve done something different this Veterans Day. All this week, just outside our offices, you will find a poster with the words ‘Who Is Your Veteran?’ We have encouraged employees, partners, visitors and even neighboring tenants to visit our office and write down the names of veterans in their lives. We ask for a donation of $1 per name, with XTAR matching donations.
All funds raised will be donated to Veterans Moving Forward, an organization near our offices that provides canine therapy as well as trained service dogs free of charge to US veterans.
Why did we choose this organization? We really like the idea of taking care of veterans once they return home. Are you visiting the XTAR office this week? We’d love to have you join in and support this fundraiser with us. Donate online here. (with XTAR written in the special instructions so that we can match your donation).
We are thankful for our servicemen and women that came before us, those that work in our office, and those that are serving now. We all know someone.