100% Compatible with All NATO Allied MILSATCOM Systems because XTAR is a NATO Allied MILSATCOM System. Users Simply Repoint Their Terminals and Keep Moving, Shooting - and Communicating.

Users experiencing contested, congested, or degraded comms for any reason can immediately switch to XTAR in minutes - and without changing any terminal hardware at all.

All Weather
In the harshest environments, in the most demanding conditions, in the most remote regions X-band stays strong, enabling mission success.

SAR Imaging
High-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery for applications in defense and civilian domains.
XTAR’s X-band frequency is ideal for military satellite communications AND high-resolution SAR imaging, enabling more robust enterprise communications, information gathering, and military operations around the globe.
Our on-orbit satellites and our Paz SAR imaging satellite both use highly-advanced X-band payloads that deliver combat-proven, powerful warfighting capabilities to the end-user. With our software-defined triband (X/mil-Ka/UHF) NextGen satellites arriving on-orbit in 2025-2026, and PAZ-2's advanced imaging capabilities already in planning for 2028/29, XTAR is poised to serve the DoD and NATO Allies for decades to come.